Are you taking advantage of all we have to offer?

Andrew Daigle, NPDN (National Plant Diagnostic Network) IT Manager
The Communicator: Volume 5, Issue 6, June 2024

Welcome to this month’s IT Bytes. It occurs to me daily how much I do not understand the work that you do as diagnosticians. Here at the NPDN Data Center, our job is to provide you with tools and information to make your job easier. We maintain three websites and multiple databases to accomplish this task. We rely heavily on your input about those websites and the information you access to make improvements that assist you in getting the information you need.

  1. We have the NPDN Portal ( This website is designed to keep you up to date on happenings within the NPDN. The Communications Committee is very active in the design and implementation of this website. This is your go to site to access upcoming events, committee happenings and achievements, learn more about Core accreditation, view NPDN’s policies and guidelines, and so much more. If you have not used the portal, we encourage you to log in and dig around. You might be pleasantly surprised at all the services available. If you see something that should be on the portal and is not, submit your improvement ideas to us ( or The Communications Committee (


  1. Next is the National Data Repository (NDR). This is where you can access all that data you have been uploading. You can run reports, search the dictionaries, review your lab’s previous annual survey answers and more. Based on level of access, there are over two million samples, over three million diagnoses covering 13,500+ pests, 4,000+ hosts in over 3,000 counties submitted by over 175 diagnostic labs. That is a lot of data that can be collated into actionable information.


  1. We support the Learning Management System ( Allina Bennett along with several committees and others are actively creating content to provide you with modules to increase your proficiency and knowledge.


  1. The NPDN IT Center also maintains the central authentication system, so you can access all of NPDN online with one set of credentials.

We strongly encourage you to check out the websites. And remember you need to log in to either the portal or the NDR once per year to avoid the terminator disabling your account due to inactivity.
If you have any questions, you can reach a member of our team by emailing