Ornamental Workshop on Pests and Diseases

Registration is open for the Ornamental Workshop held October 22-24 at the JC Raulston Arboretum in Raleigh, NC. View the full announcement online.

Turfgrass Disease Diagnostics Workshop at APS Plant Health 2024

The APS Turfgrass Pathology Committee is hosting a turfgrass disease diagnostics workshop at Plant Health 2024 in Memphis. The workshop will be taught by Jim Kerns and Lee Butler from North Carolina Sate University and is geared toward the plant pathology/diagnosticians community within APS that do not specialize/focus in turfgrass. View the full announcement online.

NPDN travel funds available for diagnostician training

Leftover funds from this year’s travel expense allocation for diagnostician training are available to cover travel expenses for qualified workshops. See the full announcement online for details and to find out if a training you want to attend qualifies.

Diagnostic Assay and Validation Network (DAVN) Updates

New Calculators
DAVN released their newest calculators for qualitative and quantitative assays: repeatability, reproducibility, and precision and they are available online. All DAVN calculators will be part of the hands-on workshop at the Plant Health 2024 meeting.
DAVN workshop fee waiver for early career and student APS members: DAVN statistical tools workshop at Plant Health 2024
The Diagnostic Assay Validation Network (DAVN) is sponsoring the workshop registration for 30 student or early career APS members at the hands-on pre-meeting DAVN workshop at the national APS meeting this summer. View the full announcement and find the registration link online.
Call for papers
Diagnostic Assay Development and Validation: The Science of Getting it Right II – a new Phytofrontiers Focus Issue is accepting manuscript submissions through August 30, 2024. More information online.