PDIS The Plant Diagnostic Information System (PDIS) is a cost effective, easy-to-use collaborative laboratory information management system designed specifically for agriculture diagnostic laboratories. It is a system of web and database applications designed to meet the specific and diverse needs of plant diagnostic laboratory personnel and their customers. It consists of Administration, Submitter, Diagnostician, and Billing modules. PDIS is currently deployed in 138 plant diagnostic laboratories in land grant institutions and state departments of agriculture facilitating services for plant disease diagnoses, plant identifications, and insect/pest identifications.

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This module encompasses the User Administration, User Rights Management, and Role-based Security Access Management features of the system. This module also provides option to customize settings of Institution Accounts, Laboratory Accounts, and Request Site Accounts.



This module facilitates communications and record keeping for diagnosticians, extension agents, first detectors, experts, and individual state departments of agriculture personnel. It allows diagnosticians to record diagnosis information including nematode data, sample replication, multiple sample upload to the national repository, and diagnostic report generation.



This module allows billing managers to manage the laboratory billing accounts, keep track of billed and paid invoices, as well as invoice and transaction history reports generation.



Requesters such as extension personnel submit diagnostic requests complete with digital images to the diagnostic labs. The Lab diagnostic reports are sent back to the requesting site, allowing for rapid response.


Change Management

PDIS is tailored to meet the end-user needs. This module is a communications channel between PDIS users community, change management committee, and the software development personnel. It allows users to report software defects, request changes, and propose new features.

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Contact Us 
Judy Dizon
PDIS Programmer



Arjun Khanal
PDIS Programmer
