The protocol and validation (P&V) committee aim to facilitate access by NPDN labs to a range of validated, fit-for-purpose diagnostic protocols that utilize the latest technologies. The committee will encourage and facilitate protocol and equipment harmonization where appropriate, and through outreach efforts, promote best practices for protocol development, validation and deployment.


  1. Facilitate access by NPDN member labs to validated, fit-for-purpose diagnostic protocols.
  2. Establish best practices for diagnostic protocol development and implementation
  3. Implement outreach efforts to promote best practices related to protocol development, validation and deployment both within and external to NPDN

Method development and validation partnerships

NPDN has trained diagnosticians that can help validate new diagnostic assays developed by researchers. Our committee can facilitate and help coordinate, interlaboratory comparison and test performance studies to conduct such exercises with NPDN members.

Organism Priority List

The list below represents potential targets for diagnostic guideline development. A consortium of researchers and diagnosticians developing diagnostic guides would result in a diagnostic guide most useful to our practitioners.

The list originated from surveying NPDN members in April 2020. The list reviewed and ratified 4/21 by the committee members:

  1. Rose Rosette - WG1
  2. Verticillium - WG2
  3. Candidatus Phytoplasma
  4. Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum
  5. Potato tuber diagnostic guideline
    1. Potato virus Y

New proposals by NPDN members: Beech leaf Disease, Meloidogyne enterlobii, Laurel wilt/ thousand cankers, Tomato brown rugose (tobamovirus), pinewood nematode, Fusarium oxysporum f.sp cubense TR4

Events and Webinars

Valitest webinars 2021 (recording and slides)

Protocols & Validation APS Webinar Series 2021 - February-March 2021

Protocols & Validation APS Webinar Series 2020 - May 2020

P&V Quick and Useful Tips

Short and tailored tips for better diagnostics, written by committee members, meant for new and established members of the network and the Scientific community. visit the NPDN Diagnostics Tips.

The latest tips: here, our most popular ones: Tissue Homogenization for Nucleic Acid Extraction TipsMushroom IdentificationTips for coping with PCR inhibitors

Subcommittees and Working Groups

Interested in joining a subcommittee or a working group? contact Lina at

Horizon ScanningDimitre Mollov, Yazmin Rivera
Lab Method DictionarySara May, Lina Rodriguez S.
Best PracticesSara May, Margaret Moll, Laura Miles,  Sam Fieweger, James Woodhall.


Working GroupsMembers
Rose RosetteJohn Hammond, Ramon Jordan,  Francisco Ochoa Corona, Maddie Shires, Jen Olson, Kevin Ong, Laura Miles
VerticilliumMargaret Moll, Laura Miles, Mahfuz Rahman, Sara May