a field of corn against a sunlit sky above the GPDN logo and text stating GPDN Webinar Series 2025

GPDN is excited to kick off the GPDN Webinar Series for 2025! This year the series will be hosted via Zoom. The series will feature speakers from universities and government agencies across the country. These topics are relevant to pest management specialists and diagnosticians in plant pathology, entomology, and weed science.

Schedule: Wednesdays, February 19 – April 9, 2025 | 8:00 AM WST, 9:00 AM MST, 10:00 AM CST, 11:00 AM EST.

Enrollment: To enroll in these webinars, please follow the registration links below. 

Contact: Eva Grimme at 406-994-5157 or Eva.grimme@montana.edu for more information.




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February 19

Dr. Ashleigh Faris, Ms. Jen Olson, Dr. Maira Rodrigues Duffeck, and Ms. Sara Wallace

Oklahoma State University

Corn Stunt Disease and the Corn Leafhopper

View Recording

February 26

Dr. Alicyn Smart

University of Maine

Telling Your Story: Impact Statements and Communicating with Policymakers

View Recording

March 5

Mr. Ryan Crandall 

New Hampshire Division of Forests and Lands

Mr. Lawrence M. Gordon

Hubbard Center for Genome Studies, University of New Hampshire

Utilizing Metabarcoding as a Detection Method for the Oak Wilt Fungus, Bretziella fagacearum, From Trap-Collected Nitidulid Beetle Vectors and the Identity of PCR False Positive Co-Occurring Fungi

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March 12

Mr. Ed Zaworski

Iowa State University

Moving Extension to New Platforms: How Crop Protection Network Reaches New Audiences

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March 19

Dr. Gale E. Ridge

The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station

Introduction to Delusional Infestation (DI): It Takes a Village to Care for DI Sufferers - Definition, History, and Understanding

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March 26

Dr. Mary Catherine (Cathie) Aime

Purdue University

Rust Fungi, Rust Diseases, and How to Diagnose Them

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April 2

Dr. Matt Bertone

North Carolina State University

Insect Diagnostics 101: Techniques for Identification and Documentation

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April 9

Dr. Peng Tian

University of Missouri

A Disease Survey of Missouri Elderberry Virus

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