Nomination applications and supporting materials should be submitted by June 14, 2024.

Over the years, NPDN members have provided hours of dedicated service to fulfill our mission. In light of their commitment to our network, we will provide an opportunity to recognize both individuals and teams for their contributions to the NPDN.  

The NPDN Awards Committee is pleased to announce an opportunity to recognize outstanding or innovative service from NPDN members and collaborators. The following awards are available: NPDN Outstanding Service Award (for an individual or a team), Lifetime Achievement Award, and the NPDN Rotten Tuber Award.

Outstanding Service Award

This award will recognize NPDN members and friends that have contributed significantly to the network in the last two years.   At times, some individuals, or groups of individuals, go above and beyond the call of duty. This award recognize their efforts and will make our membership aware of their contributions. These awards should be reserved for those individuals, or groups of individuals, that perform truly exceptional tasks or produce superior products that enable members of NPDN or our collaborating agencies to perform their duties more easily and efficiently, with great materials and/or with a gained knowledge base.


This award is open to any NPDN member or collaborator who has provided outstanding service associated with an NPDN function. To be considered, nominee(s) should have shown innovative thought in program development; displayed leadership in the development and execution of an NPDN project; demonstrated excellence in developing new programs, teaching methods, or innovation in working with novel groups.  The service recognized should have occurred within the last two years.  Award committee members can submit nominations and are eligible for nominations but will not vote on their submitted nominations and are not included in the review process on awards in which they are named. 

Lifetime Achievement Award

This award is given to recognize and honor individuals who have tirelessly dedicated expertise, leadership, time, and enthusiasm to NPDN and its members throughout their careers. The awardees should be well known and respected in the field both locally, regionally, and nationally through their work and service to NPDN.  Awardees are a familiar face in NPDN committees, may be mentors to new diagnosticians, authors of protocols, articles, webinars, well versed in partnerships with stakeholders and genuine longtime champions of NPDN.  


This award is open to any NPDN member or collaborator with a long history of service and dedication to the NPDN.  Award committee members can submit nominations and are eligible for nominations but will not vote on their submitted nominations and are not included in the review process on awards in which they are named.  Both NPDN members and NDPN collaborators are welcome to submit nominations.  

Nomination Requirements for the Outstanding Service and Lifetime Achievement Awards

Nomination packet(s) must not exceed 3 pages in length when including all components listed below. 

A submission from the nominating individual(s) should be made online and must include the following: 

  1. The name(s) and affiliation(s) of the individuals being nominated 
  2. The name(s) and affiliation(s) of the nominator(s) 
  3. The award sought (outstanding service or lifetime achievement)
  4. A print quality photo of each of the individuals nominated 
  5. A statement (no longer than 500 words) describing the outstanding service or lifetime contributions made to NPDN.
  6. Optional - examples of publications, materials, surveys, etc. specifically pertaining to the project or event described in the nomination statement should be included.  Additional letters of support may also be included.  (10 page limit)

When applicable, examples of publications, materials, surveys, etc. specifically pertaining to the project or event described in the nomination statement should be submitted as well.

Submit a nomination for Outstanding Service and Lifetime Achievement HERE

Rotten Tuber Awards

This is an opportunity to recognize those unique samples that leave you asking yourself…what was this person thinking when they sent this sample? We are looking for unique situations, odd suggestions, and outlandish sample materials to be presented for the Rotten Tuber Award.

A submission for a Rotten Tuber Award should be made online and must include the following:

  1. The name(s) and affiliation(s) of the submitting individual or team
  2. A statement (no longer than 500 words) describing the unique sample
  3. A print quality photo of the individual(s) submitting the nomination.
  4. Examples of actual sample submission forms, pictures of the sample, etc. specifically pertaining to the unique sample described in the submission letter. Note: Submitting these materials gives permission to use in meeting materials.

Make a Rotten Tuber Award submission HERE


Nomination applications and supporting materials should be submitted by June 14, 2024. Requirements for submissions have been simplified from previous years to make it easier to recognize colleagues' great work and for you to share the interesting samples you have received. Note: Submitting these materials gives permission to use in meeting materials

The recipients of the awards will be recognized at the 6th NPDN National Meeting in Portland, ME on September 9-13, 2024. The awardees will be notified prior to the meeting and highlighted in the program book.
