The NPDN Communicator is a monthly publication to share information valuable to the plant diagnostic community.

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Current Edition - October 2024

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Interested in Submitting an Article?

We welcome lab updates, interesting findings, as well as diagnostic and outreach materials. Introduce your lab or a new diagnosticians in your lab; announce webinars or workshops available to the network; share your diagnostics photos; share knowledge; or share material you have prepared for other media with your NPDN colleagues.

Content submission guidelines +

  1. Text should be submitted as unformatted Microsoft Word (or similar).
  2. Photos and Figures should be submitted as individual files. Captions should be submitted separately in a Word document.

Please submit articles for publication in the NPDN Communicator to editor Clarissa Balbalian ( Submissions are accepted by the editor on a rolling basis. However, if submitted content is intended for inclusion in the next newsletter, then it should be received by the editor no later than the last day of the preceding month. (i.e. content for the February newsletter should be received by the editor no later than January 31st).

The Plant Puzzler - Rules and Instructions

Where did the NPDN Newsletter go?

The NPDN newsletter is now called the NPDN Communicator.