
We want to invite you to our next APS Diagnostics Committee virtual meeting. It will be on Monday, July 31, 1 - 2:30 Central Time. We hope to see everyone there.

  • We will send the agenda and the Zoom invitation ahead of the virtual meeting.
  • We will elect our incoming vice-chair and secretary at this meeting. Going forward we would like to spread the workload amongst more individuals (past chair, chair, vice chair and secretary). Please consider volunteering for our committee. Please send your nominations ahead of time to Keiddy Urrea-Morawicki (kurrea-morawick@uri.edu) or James Woodhall (jwoodhall@uidaho.edu)
  • Please let us know if there are any agenda items you would like us to include
*Note: ALL times listed for NPDN events shall be listed as Eastern Time.