PPCDL/Beltsville - Bioinformatics Module HTS 102 Workshop

  • Dates offered: April 25-27, 2023
  • Maximum course enrollment: 5
  • Length of time: 3 days - in-person

PPCDL Scientists are adding an additional hands-on workshop in 2023. The Bioinformatics Workshop Module HTS 102 Workshop will be given in-person, over a 3-days on April 25-27, 2023. This is a unique opportunity for just 5 participants to attend a primarily hands-on based training that familiarizes participants with the latest in HTS technologies and analysis tools.

PPCDL/Beltsville Workshops Registration - First Cut


If you are interested in participating in any of these workshops, please contact Barb Riker at br347@cornell.edu cc' Karen Snover-Clift at kls13@cornell.edu.

We are encouraging everyone to register for their preferred workshops by December 21st, 2022, however, we will keep the registration window open through January 31, 2023.

Find Workshop Information in the 2023 PPCDL/Beltsville Workshop Page 

PPCDL/Beltsville - Citrus Canker Workshop

  • Dates offered: March 27 – 28, 2023
  • Maximum course enrollment: 8
  • Length of time: 2 days - in-person

The citrus canker molecular detection workshop is being offered in person for the first time in 2023. The workshop will have lecture and hands-on components. The lectures will cover the disease characteristics and an overview of citrus canker diagnostic testing at the USDA-APHIS-PPQ S&T Plant Pathogen Confirmatory Diagnostics Laboratory (PPCDL).

PPCDL/Beltsville - Phytophthora 101 Workshop

  • Dates offered: Two Session: March 6-8, 2023 or March 20-22, 2023
  • Maximum course enrollment: 8 per session
  • Length of time: 3 days per session - in-person

The Phytophthora 101 Workshop is a 3-day workshop that has lectures and hands-on components. The lectures include a review of Phytophthora ramorum, DNA extraction, the real-time PCR protocols using P. ramorum (ITS and Elicitin) and Phytophthora kernoviae (ITS1 and ITS2) as the targets, and interpretation of results.

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