Clarissa Balbalian (Chair, National Data Committee)
The Communicator: Volume 5, Issue 12, December 2024
The following lists document additions, modifications and deletions to the National Data Repository (NDR) Host and Pest dictionaries that were implemented in November. You can view updates to the NPDN host and pest dictionaries any time by logging into NDR clicking on the Dictionaries tab and selecting Updates from the dropdown menu.
A guideline to understanding data dictionaries in the NDR is available to NPDN members online. NPDN members also have access to an online guideline on how to request new host/pest codes or changes to existing codes. Members must be logged in to access the NDR and the guidelines.
Entries below are listed alphabetically by common name followed by the scientific name appearing in parentheses.
Host Dictionary Updates
New Host Additions
English laurel (Prunus laurocerasus)
Modified Hosts
Food; Food Products (Habitat)
Greenhouse (Habitat)
Meat; Meat Products (Habitat)
Mixed Deciduous Forest (Mixed species)
Nuttall Oak (Quercus texana)
Water and Soil Media Sample (Habitat)
Wood Flooring (Habitat)
Deleted Hosts*
Packaged Food; Pharmaceuticals (Consumables)
Wild Flower Seed/Sod (Mixed species)
Pest Dictionary Updates
New Pest Codes
Modified Pest Codes
Deleted Pest Codes*
*The NPDN does not delete any data. Deletion means that as of the date of the change, that host or pest code is no longer viable and the choice has been eliminated from the NDR host and/or pest dictionary.