Use this form to request data from the National Data Repository (NDR) or to request permission to share NDR data. Please follow these short guidelines to ensure efficient processing of your request. Please email us at if you have any questions.

*All fields are required except Pest Species, Host Genus, and Host Species

*Pest Genus is Required

If you need data for more than one pest, You will need to submit this form for each pest.

First Name:
Last Name:
Position/Job Title:
Phone Number:

Pest Genus: Pest Species:

Host Genus: Host Species:




Title of Request:
Describe the information you want (Please provide as much detail as possible):
Purpose (What will this data be used for?):
Sharing Data - How will you share this data? (e.g. Presentation, Poster, Internal Use - Describe in detail):
With whom will you share the data? (e.g. Public, Federal Regulatory Agency, University Extension, Research, etc):